Why? If you couldn't get the votes in the Republican Party, then why form a new one which will get even less votes?
Here's a suggestion. Why didn't you guys just support Duncan Hunter from the get-go? You got a true-blue conservative sitting right in front of you, dude started running in October of 2006. But nooo....he was "unelectable!" Well, Paul's a Congresscritter too and he got money and grassroots support yeah yeah can the Soros jokes, OK? So why didn't conservatives do the same thing for Hunter?
This Forum is panicking. Fred Thompson's internals must not be looking good in SC since Huckster is going to dig into his SC support. Romney is gradually losing steam. If McCain or Huckster is nominated, you might as well stick a fork in the GOP because there's no way in Hell I'm supporting either one of these two jokers.
This forum is doing the same thing the Losertarians have done for years. Insist on perfection, and getting nothing.
People should study a bit on the founding of the country and the compromises that were made by the Founders in order to make it work. Politics is the art of the possible, not the art of perfection.
Amen, EEE. bttt
We do not need a Conservative Party any more than we need a libertarian party (other than to drag the moonbats away from the GOP).
Your intended refusal to vote GOP in November will not cripple whatever candidate is actually nominated (and we all know to an absolute certainty that paleoPaulie will NOT be that candidate, now don't we, since the only voters now are the real ones and the pipsqueak is being serially demolished as was his obvious fate. Nor will the destruction of paleoPaulie and his Paulistinian legion harm the GOP in any way. The only surprise was that John F'n Kerry, given his track record of treason, endorsed Osama bin Mama and not paleoPaulie.
No, it isn't. It's doing what political forums do. Its members are discussing issues and strategy.