All that buys us is a slippery-slope to increased liberalism.
Does this election make you want to buy more guns and ammo so you can be prepared when it finally does hit the fan?
My dear friend, it is ONLY in the primaries where you try to effect the kind of change you and I want.
Once the main election is on, you will of course vote for the Republican for the sake of Judges, taxes, security, the war and to stop government take over of medicine.
Seems a hell of a lot more on the line by far than the lesser of two evils.
What again would be your logic to throw the power to Democrats? What is the thinking, strategy and benefits of that? So far every other election I've seen where people didn't vote Republican to send messages has given us the worst Democrat enemies in power against us.
I want a candidate that gets more issues right over the leftist fire breathing Democrat.
Learn the lessons of the past.