OK. So that leaves Ron Paul, with less than 2%.
Looks like we're going to be stuck with one of the liberal, open-borders, anti-citizen globalists, so it doesn't really matter which party they hail from.
You can vote for whomevert you choose
If your choice is Dr Paul...who is a nice man...I’ve met him..thats fine...Its your vote...
I just will keep on stating that they are all equally RINO/liberal in these areas or that...
There are no conservatives left in the race...
Romney, Paul, Huckabee, Gulianni, McCain
The Siamese Quintuplet RINOs
I dont get flamed by the Rudy, Paul, huck, McCain supporters...
But the liberal MittNittWitts kill me with their vemon and filthy language etc...they are not exactly Christian folk...
They could teach their mirror image Hillary how to curse...