DV said ...Save your breath. You are going to need it for the onslaught which is to come.
DU said I live at almost 5,000 Feet above sea level, go ahead, make my day. While your “Troops” are trying to catch any stray oxygen molecules they can find, I’ll push them back down the Foothills, then I’ll climb up to 6,000 feet. Bring oxygen in cylinders when you come, they make really funny clanging noises when you guys fall down.
Why do you persist in being a fool ????
Darth never meant an onslaugfht of flesh but a spiritual onslaught from hell..
“For we wrestle not againstflesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ...Ephesians 6:10-18
The Christians in these threads have poured their hearts out to you and given you much info about Jesus and His saving power, because they dont want you to go to Hell...
I am learning that it is considered a sport for mormons to spew venom and ridicule on Christians and others who do not accept the aposacy of Joseph Smith...
Maybe that is why it takes 19 year old mormon missionaries two whole years to make only four convicts..
Jesus said to draw people to the love of God..
Who would want to join a group who constantly beat them up and mocked them ???
I’m not your enemy and have harmed no mormons in these threads noe elsewhere...in fact I have helped mormons and given of my substance to them ...but I have been accused and maligned and called a range of foul names ...
What ewas there among such unbecoming behavior that would e ver begin to suggest that mormons arfe “Christians” or Christlike ..
In the 50 years i have known Jesus as my Lord and Savior He has never abused me or beaten me up verbal...and calls me nothing but His own...