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Fred Thompson: Romneycare At A Glance
Upper Cumberland Daily News ^ | 120607

Posted on 01/06/2008 2:30:43 PM PST by Fred

Fred Thompson Release:

- This is Romney's health care plan of which he claims authorship and credit. - The plan guarantees Planned Parenthood a seat at the decision-making table. - The plan provides taxpayer-funded abortions for a copay of $50. - The plan penalizes individuals not buying health insurance coverage and small businesses not offering health insurance to their employees.

Romney Is Quick To Take Credit For Massachusetts' Health Care Plan

- "I love it. It's a fabulous program." (GOP Primary Debate, Reagan Library, Simi Valley, CA, MSNBC, 5/3/2007) - "But I helped write it and I knew it well..." (GOP Primary Debate, Reagan Library, Simi Valley, CA, MSNBC, 5/3/2007)


(1) Guarantees Planned Parenthood A Seat At The Table. Romney's legislation created an advisory board and guarantees, by law, that Planned Parenthood has a seat at the table. Romney's plan established a MassHealth payment policy advisory board, and one member of the Board must be from Planned Parenthood. No pro-life organization is represented. (Chapter 58 Section 3 (q) Section 16M (a), )

(2) Provides Taxpayer-Funded Abortions . Abortions are covered in the Commonwealth Care program that Romney created as Governor. Under the program, abortions are available for a copay of $50. (Menu of Health Care Services: )

- Romney used his line-item veto authority to strike eight sections of the bill that he found objectionable, including the expansion of dental benefits to Medicaid recipients. Yet, he did not strike Planned Parenthood's guaranteed Board representation and he did nothing to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions as part of his plan. ("Romney's Health Care Vetoes," Associated Press, 4/12/06)

(3) Punitive Toward Small Businesses. Small Businesses are fined $295-per-employee if they do not provide health insurance coverage to employees. (Steve LeBlanc, "Mass Lawmakers Ok Mandatory Health Bill," Associated Press, 4/5/06)

(4) Punitive Toward Individuals. Individuals not obtaining health insurance coverage lose their personal state tax exemption in 2007, which will cost them an estimated $219 in higher taxes. In 2008, uncovered individuals are assessed a fine equal to 50-percent of the cost of a standard insurance policy, which could be as much as $2,000. (Michael Tanner, "No Miracle In Massachusetts," Cato Institute, 6/6/06; Steve LeBlanc, "Timing Of Health Care Law's Penalties Could Pose Risk For Romney, MA," Associated Press, 11/9/07; William C. Symonds, "In Massachusetts, Health Care for All?" Business Week, 4/4/06 )

TOPICS: Extended News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: fredthompson; healthypeople; healthypeople2010; mccain; myth; romney; romneytruthfile
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To: cva66snipe; NewRomeTacitus; wardaddy

Congratulations, snipe. And what you know couldn’t fill a teacup. You don’t even know the difference between state and federal officeholders and whom can do what. Apparently you think “leadership” is unilaterally (and illegally) running a state from a Senator’s office in DC and bypassing or ordering the Governor to do his bidding. Now I’m sure you pine for the good old days when crooked one-party rodent states like Louisiana of the ‘30s under Huey Long had such a setup, but this here is the 21st century.

Y’know, for somebody who comes on here badmouthing Fred all over the place (all for doing nothing more than his j-o-b), and yet has his lips surgically attached to the back-end of the single biggest sleazebag liberal Judas in the state of Tennessee, you are an odious hypocrite, sir.

Why don’t you and Judas Mike the rodent go get a room since you seem to worship him so much ? Stay there as long as you like, that way we’re spared your bloviating on a subject you know absolutely nothing about.

Have a nice day.

221 posted on 01/06/2008 11:20:55 PM PST by fieldmarshaldj (~~~Jihad Fever -- Catch It !~~~ (Backup tag: "Live Fred or Die"))
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To: fieldmarshaldj

HEY STINKWEED you were the one cursing Sasser and Mathews for doing what now? Helping start Tenncare right? Well gee Old Wise Field Marshal if a senator can help start a program then one can as well help end it .. YOU ARE A PARTYBOT SHILL A shell of a shill.. LOL... You’re too stupid to even see when your own party has shafted ya.. BAAA BLIND SHEEP LOL.... Wanna sing Todd’s Ratty Rat song now LOL.... Oh I know you also have the gift like Todd LOL... See ya latter thanks for the laugh of the day...

222 posted on 01/07/2008 3:02:33 AM PST by cva66snipe (Proud Partisan Constitution Supporting Conservative to which I make no apologies for nor back down)
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To: counterpunch
Hey wanna know a secret? It’s still going. It was only went insolvent only in the minds of the HMO blackmailers who got their hands slapped. But not by a Wepublicant because they lacked the guts but rather a DEM. Yep thats right a DEM said knock it off or I will shut it down and I wish he actually had. Again sad commentary on the lack of fortitude on the Tennessee GOP of whom one other on this thread worships. Tyranny to some is just fine as long as its Republicans tyranny that is. The stink Wepublicants who continued it were just as corrupt as the stinking DEMs who started it.
223 posted on 01/07/2008 3:11:05 AM PST by cva66snipe (Proud Partisan Constitution Supporting Conservative to which I make no apologies for nor back down)
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To: claudiustg
I know. Let’s run a candidate that’s against doing anything about healthcare.

Sometimes, the correct answer is simply not pretending to have an answer.

224 posted on 01/07/2008 5:50:19 AM PST by kevkrom (All those in favor of Thompson, don't raise your hand.)
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To: Fred
Very Funny. Deserves Repeating.
225 posted on 01/07/2008 8:19:56 AM PST by FreedomProtector
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To: P-Marlowe
See post #225


226 posted on 01/07/2008 8:29:52 AM PST by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain! True Supporters of Our Troops Support the Necessity of their Sacrifice!)
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To: Reagan Man
Forcing people to purchase a service against their will is called tyranny.

Do all 50 states require that auto owners purchase auto insurance to drive legally? I'm just curious. Here in NJ, you have to have liability coverage to drive the car.

227 posted on 01/07/2008 8:36:33 AM PST by Huck (Ok, I'll sneak in a few posts here and there and try to stay out of trouble.)
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To: Huck
Do all 50 states require that auto owners purchase auto insurance to drive legally?

Do any of those states require that their citizens drive autos?

228 posted on 01/07/2008 10:50:28 AM PST by kevkrom (All those in favor of Thompson, don't raise your hand.)
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To: cva66snipe
I know someone who was on TennCare and was kicked off because of the financial shortfall. Apparently Fred wasn't getting enough money from Washington...
229 posted on 01/07/2008 10:51:27 AM PST by counterpunch (GOP Convention '08 — Go For Brokered!)
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To: kevkrom
Do any of those states require that their citizens drive autos?

Not that I know of. What a weird question. But if someone wants to drive, they've got to pony up for insurance. Right now, when ppl get sick, they get health care whether they can afford it or not. Someone ends up paying.

230 posted on 01/07/2008 10:52:41 AM PST by Huck (Ok, I'll sneak in a few posts here and there and try to stay out of trouble.)
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To: Huck
What a weird question.

Not a weird question at all. There's a difference between mandating insurance for citizens who choose to engage in a particular activity vs. a blanket mandate for all citizens, who are given no choice in the matter whatsoever.

231 posted on 01/07/2008 10:54:18 AM PST by kevkrom (All those in favor of Thompson, don't raise your hand.)
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To: kevkrom

I think it’s a safe assumption that everyone, when their health/life is on the line, is going to get healthcare. There’s no one out there who’s going to have a heart attack and say, THAT’S OK, leave me here to die! I choose not to have health care. Get a grip.

232 posted on 01/07/2008 10:58:02 AM PST by Huck (Ok, I'll sneak in a few posts here and there and try to stay out of trouble.)
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To: Huck

You don’t have to have health insurance to get health care.

And a lot more people would be able to afford paying for health care out-of-pocket if the government would stop mandating health care plans and costs.

233 posted on 01/07/2008 11:00:08 AM PST by kevkrom (All those in favor of Thompson, don't raise your hand.)
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To: kevkrom
You don’t have to have health insurance to get health care.

You don't have to have money either, in case you didn't know. You could make the same argument re: auto liability. I could just set aside $500,000 for a rainy day, and if I get hit with a liability claim due to an auto accident, I could just pay out of pocket. Shazam!

But most people don't have $500K set aside, so they must get insurance. Most people also don't have tens of thousands of dollars set aside for the health care they WILL get if/when the time comes. I don't pretend to have the best solution, but I also don't pretend the problem isn't real.

234 posted on 01/07/2008 11:04:33 AM PST by Huck (Ok, I'll sneak in a few posts here and there and try to stay out of trouble.)
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To: counterpunch
I know someone who was on TennCare and was kicked off because of the financial shortfall. Apparently Fred wasn't getting enough money from Washington...

Every time the cuts were threatened do you know who was threatened to be tossed off Tenncare? I do. It was persons in wheelchairs and mostly others who due to physical disabilities or health unable to fight it. Of course there were meetings held in places completely unaccessible to such etc.

Tenncare replaced Medicaid. Tenncare was NOT MEDICAID it was a form of Universal Health Care. It did not have even a trace of Medicaid accountability as it was taken away from the jurisdiction of the state inspector generals office which was a system that worked. People who honestly to goodness needed help the most vulnerable in Tennessee were the most hurt by it. The ones who were on Medicare as well faired the worse. You see before Tennscare was created Medicaid was the co-pay on Medicare. The doctors didn't get rich but the payment covered their overhead.

When Tenncare was put into play it was RINO Taxquist who allowed the HEY MOES to reduce or rather actually cut out the Medicaid Co-Pay all together. Now what happened next? Doctors were forced to treayt Medicare patients on Tennscare at a lower rate then other Medicare patients and even at a lower rate than Tennscare only patients. Persons like my wife and later myself were SOL as far as finding a doctor to take us. With my disability it wasn't that critical with my wife it is very critical she have a physician.

Not one lawmaker from either party on a state or national level including Da Doctor Frist nor Fred gave a Tinker D what was going on either. The GOP including Fred and Doctor Lurch were too busy covering the incompetent RINO's governors rear.

235 posted on 01/08/2008 3:37:50 AM PST by cva66snipe (Proud Partisan Constitution Supporting Conservative to which I make no apologies for nor back down)
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To: claudiustg
I know. Let’s run a candidate that’s against doing anything about healthcare. That sounds like a winner! /s

I have a great idea!! Why not let everyone take care of their own health care like Mrs Dearolddad and I do.

236 posted on 01/08/2008 3:50:05 AM PST by dearolddad (Opinions are like rectums: everybody has one.)
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To: counterpunch
I'll go even further in this. The Frist reforms were nothing in the world but Tenncare on a national level. But because Frist pushed it the GOP bought into it hook line and sinker.

The national private health care insurance system is by it's by own design and will fixing to collapse. Yes it is in fact a conspiracy and the parent insurers of the HMO's are behind it. Why settle for a large portion of the private sectors coverage when you can become the care rationer and money handler for everyone in the United States and have a guaranteed paying client namely the United States Government and get all the money?

This is exactly what both the DEMs and a large portion of the GOP have been pushing for. Create a false crisis first just like the DEM governor did in Tennessee by making a working system fail then replace it. Medicaid in it's original form and mission scope worked. It served as catastrophic illness or survivor coverage to either deceased or disabled workers and their dependents or an aid to the elderly poor. Later other coverages were added as societies morals degraded.

237 posted on 01/08/2008 4:01:29 AM PST by cva66snipe (Proud Partisan Constitution Supporting Conservative to which I make no apologies for nor back down)
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