That’s a fabulous poster of Hillary — America’s Ex-Wife.
As I mentioned upthread, I heard the phrase first from my brother, but it’s so apt that probably a lot of people thought the same thing at the same time.
Seriously, it fits. She never divorced Bill for his infidelity, but the Democrat Party (along with the rest of us) seems to be divorcing her, and there she is: unloved, bitter, unappealing, greedy, lonely, shrill, grasping, bossy, the whole bit.
And quite seriously, the more of these simple little images we can put out the better. The force of an image to convey an idea is extremely powerful. Even better when we can get a laugh out of it for extra milage.
We all saw how "Sore/Loserman" impacted society. Sooner or later one of our FReepers is going to come up with some image that will be forever associated to Hillary in America's psyche that she won't be able to overcome.
My vote is for Monkapotamus to pull it off this time. : )