A man carries dried corn stalks covered in snow in the town of Capala Chignahuapan, central Mexico on Wednesday Jan. 2, 2008. According to villagers, it's been 24 years since it last snowed in the region. (AP Photo/Joel Merino)
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To: NormsRevenge
Global Warming, of course.
2 posted on
01/02/2008 7:55:04 PM PST by
(I haven't left the GOP, the GOP left me.)
Al Gore
Al Gore
White courtesy phone
3 posted on
01/02/2008 7:55:18 PM PST by
(Semper Fi ... Godspeed ... ICE’s toll-free tip hotline —1-866-DHS-2-ICE ... 9/11 .. Never FoRGeT)
To: NormsRevenge
Damn that global warming!
4 posted on
01/02/2008 7:55:22 PM PST by
(No, I don't use sarcasm tags - it confuses people.)
To: NormsRevenge
"Global Warming" and......................
Bush's fault, as usual.
5 posted on
01/02/2008 7:55:50 PM PST by
(Unleash the Dogs of War as a Minority, or perish as a party.)
To: NormsRevenge
6 posted on
01/02/2008 7:55:53 PM PST by
To: NormsRevenge
Wobal Glarming,
How Alarming!
Please take away more of our money and our freedoms immediately!
To: NormsRevenge
According to villagers, it's been 24 years since it last snowed in
the region. (AP Photo/Joel Merino)
I hope Al Gore tells these humble Mexicans, they must be having delusions.
Or are "on the payroll of Global Warming Deniers funded by Big Oil".
8 posted on
01/02/2008 7:57:56 PM PST by
To: NormsRevenge
One story, or even a thousand such stories, or even a hundred thousand such stories, is hardly a trend, but I’ve long said that if there is a change going on, it’s towards a cooling trend.
Iceage? Who can tell, but I say we are going in that direction, not global warming
9 posted on
01/02/2008 7:59:02 PM PST by
(If America falls, darkness will cover the face of the earth for a thousand years.)
To: NormsRevenge
Better start getting the cows to emit more methane - it’s getting downright chilly!
To: NormsRevenge
Unusual in Veracrauz, but not unusual for Mexico
11 posted on
01/02/2008 8:00:37 PM PST by
(The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts)
To: NormsRevenge
Mexicans bundle up as temperatures dropThey ain't the only ones!!!!!
12 posted on
01/02/2008 8:00:46 PM PST by
(Happy New Year!)
To: NormsRevenge
The entire "Global Warming" thing is starting to look like a comedy produced by Mel Brooks.
"We're doomed!"
13 posted on
01/02/2008 8:02:19 PM PST by
capt. norm
(Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for.)
To: NormsRevenge
And a frost warning for Florida.
(Here in Minneapolis, it was 7 below this morning, but not a word on the local newscasts about "global warming". That'll change when we hit 40 this weekend, though.)
16 posted on
01/02/2008 8:04:15 PM PST by
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: NormsRevenge
In Mexico City, residents accustomed to 80-degree afternoon temperatures bundled up in winter coats as the mercury dropped to 40 degrees.I was working in my yard yesterday in a short sleave shirt when it warmed up to 40 degrees.
The new Ice Age is coming!
20 posted on
01/02/2008 8:07:49 PM PST by
(If you don't want people to get your goat, don't tell them where it's tied.)
To: NormsRevenge
There are Mexicans in Mexico, too? I didn’t know.
27 posted on
01/02/2008 8:15:44 PM PST by
(You can't be serious about national security unless you're serious about border security)
To: NormsRevenge
It’s 12 degrees F of global warming here.
28 posted on
01/02/2008 8:16:02 PM PST by
To: NormsRevenge
Mexico City forecast: Chili today. Hot tamale.
44 posted on
01/02/2008 8:35:12 PM PST by
Jeff Chandler
(It takes a father to raise a child.)
To: NormsRevenge
To: NormsRevenge
This is a bogus story. Al Gore has said 2007 was the warmest on record.
53 posted on
01/02/2008 9:32:22 PM PST by
To: NormsRevenge
It’s obviously Karl Rove using his weather machine to convince Mexicans that global warming isn’t real...
54 posted on
01/02/2008 9:36:07 PM PST by
Zeon Cowboy
(Pardon Ramos and Compean NOW! // Duncan Hunter '08)
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