I believe that every child in this nation could have a private education for free. Hey! Harvard has a $35 Billion dollar endowment! Americans could do the same for private foundations that could provide private vouchers to private schools.
We are a wealthy nation. Every child could have access to a private voucher to a private Christian school. Christians could do this if they wanted.
Also...I completely agree with you. We should give up the idea of brick and mortar schools. With today's technology we can have excellent ( and wholesome) curriculum available inexpensively to all who wanted it.
We should be thinking in terms of homeschools, "micro-schools", or even "one room school houses" that would meet in buildings like the Elks or Lions Clubs or in the basements of small churches.
You are correct about volunteers. Honestly, aren't the children of a congregation THE MOST IMPORTANT mission field of any member??? I would hope so! More retired people should see teaching as a very important way to spread the gospel.
It easy to post a rough draft like we have, but I really do think that with some tweaking, you’re on to something here.
Simply retire the schools. There’s not much more I like to do than to replace the public schools in this manner.