A caller mentioned your name a few minutes ago... regarding your comment about Islam when you worked at WMAL... Jerry & the caller were going back and forth about that issue for about 2 minutes... listen to it later ‘on demand’...
Gee, will CAIR now demand that Jerry Klein be fired? Will they try to find out the identity of the caller so that they can sue him?
Hi there TSR!
I doubt that CAIR will demand that Jerry be ‘fired’... he’s quite supportive of their cause... as far as the caller, he had a few good points to make... I was half-listening to the show, given that I was watching an NFL game at the time... you must listen to the show when it gets posted ‘on demand’ to judge for yourself to the whole back-and-forth...
No, most certainly not, but maybe we should all contact them (repeatedly if necessary) demanding that they do somethign about it -- and post this comment on other boards around the net, wondering whay CAIR isn't acting.
Ifnothing else, it will embarrass tehm and perhaps help Dr. Savage in his lawsuit against them (whcih now links them to 9/11 and includes RICO charges against them.)