To: HAL9000
Musharraf is the most pivotally important man in the world right now . He has been for quite some time , and we should be backing him .
2 posted on
12/28/2007 10:23:18 PM PST by
Neu Pragmatist
(Anti - Fred dissent and the RINO lackeys should be Crushed like a Huckster Hard Drive ....)
To: Neu Pragmatist
In the article above, Bhutto said it may be necessary for U.S. forces to enter the tribal areas and engage the al-Qaida and Taliban camps.
If Musharraf expects our support, he'd better make a similar accommodation.
4 posted on
12/28/2007 11:12:19 PM PST by
(Fred Thompson/Mike Huckabee 2008)
To: Neu Pragmatist
Musharraf is the most pivotally important man in the world right now . He has been for quite some time , and we should be backing him . Be that as it may. But if it was the Taliban and/or Al Qaeda that got Bhutto, they can probably get him as well. And if they don't the mobs may.
11 posted on
12/29/2007 9:59:16 AM PST by
El Gato
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