As one who, once upon a time, was personally responsible for changes in the Texas DWI laws.... I’m not sure what I think about this. Anything that gets away from using the wholly unreliable Breathalyzer test, is probably a good thing.
When I BEGGED to have a blood test, I got smacked across the head.
I still don’t get why we can’t bring some sense into these laws... I propose, MANDATORY 5 year jail terms for anyone convicted of FIRST offense, BAC over 0.12%. Life terms for 2nd offense. Should never, ever hear of a 3rd or greater offense.
For 0.10% to 0.12%, you get a ticket, fine, and a night in jail.
Below that, you get no worse treatment than someone driving at the end of a graveyard shift.. or, eating a whopper. (ie: what you deserve, based on risk factors). Meaning, you get ticketed if you break a traffic law.
But then... that would solve the problem and reduce revenue... can’t have that.
your solution SMACKS of fascism...but we can’t have that can we comrade?
“I propose, MANDATORY 5 year jail terms for anyone convicted of FIRST offense, BAC over 0.12%.”
Sorry, that’s just insane. Why? Because as soon as they pass that law, MADD and others will push the limit down to 0.08. Then 0.06. Then 0.04. Then 0.01 (don’t take any cough syurp). Think I’m kidding? The push is on already to do this with existing laws...
A night in jail for .12% and 5 years for .13%? How much drunker is someone at .13% than someone at .12%? This is what you call bringing sense into these laws? I’m all for bringing sense to our laws, but I hope that when that happens those who do it have more sense than you.