Government at work...
1 posted on
12/26/2007 8:44:05 AM PST by
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To: devane617
"That's not what the Akins Accelerator does," he said. "It isn't a gun. It isn't a machine gun. It's an accessory; that's all it is. These guys are making it up as they go along." They've been doing that for years.
Of course the ATF is well known for it's Institutional Perjury.
2 posted on
12/26/2007 8:48:25 AM PST by
(Pimping my blog:
To: devane617
Can’t wait for Mitt Romney, Huckabee, or Hillary to put these guys in charge of our health care!
3 posted on
12/26/2007 8:48:28 AM PST by
(Kol Hakavod Fred Thompson)
To: devane617
He should publish his design drawings under his 1st amendment rights...let them try to stop THAT....
To: devane617
The NRA understood his dilemma, a spokesman told him, but didn't have a dog in the fight.This is as good a statement as any about what's wrong with the NRA. Do they, or don't they, have a dog in the fight between an abusive and mercurial ATFE vs. lawful US citizen gun owners?
5 posted on
12/26/2007 8:49:00 AM PST by
(Failing to protect the liberties of your enemies establishes precedents that will reach to yourself.)
To: devane617
the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives banned the Accelerator - two years after approving it. The very heart of the issue and it is my understanding the end of the road garbage pit of government agences.
8 posted on
12/26/2007 8:53:27 AM PST by
To: devane617
In all fairness, if automatics are illegal, this accelerator should too.
I’m just amazed that neither side did their job in the initial testing procedures. I presume that both knew it was supposed to be similar to a machine gun, but when it didn’t operate properly, they didn’t double-check with another copy.
9 posted on
12/26/2007 8:54:00 AM PST by
("The government of England is a limited mockery.") (France is a complete mockery.)
To: devane617
Have one of these things ever been used in a crime?
To: devane617
Shortly after, federal regulators issued a new ruling: The Akins Accelerator is prohibited under the National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act of 1968. Hey, isn't it wonderful living under the rule of law?
We should try it sometime.
11 posted on
12/26/2007 8:55:10 AM PST by
Clint Williams
(Read Roto-Reuters -- we're the spinmeisters!)
To: devane617
The ATF is an unchecked institution of power whose dictates are somehow law and upheld by a lot of judges. This needs to end...they are NOT the congress and they can NOT INVENT law and neither can Judges.
14 posted on
12/26/2007 8:58:53 AM PST by
(God bless and keep the United States of America)
To: devane617
That was until the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives banned the Accelerator
I wish someone would ban the BATF.
15 posted on
12/26/2007 8:59:17 AM PST by
(Satisfaction was my sin)
To: devane617
BATFE doing what it does. Them and the IRS repeatedly invalidating their useless existence.
I keep reading that there are more guns in private ownership in America than ever before and I believe it. What I want to know is, when are America's gun owners going to stand up for their/our constitutional rights and demand Congress eliminate useless govt bureaucracy?
That was my problem while living in kalifornistan. Those idiots-in-residence (arnold and company) kept erasing our 2A rights. Kalifornistan has enough gun owners to start their own political party if they wanted. But few really cared enough to actually try to do anything.
So, I moved, and kal deserves what they get. As does the rest of the country if we allow these abuses to continue.
16 posted on
12/26/2007 8:59:56 AM PST by
To: devane617
If the ATF is anti-gun AND would like to have fewer guns operational in the country, they should be FOR the use of the device. Fastest way to ruin a gunbarrel is to machinegun a barrel that wasn’t designed for it.
17 posted on
12/26/2007 9:00:42 AM PST by
(...diversity is great... until it happens to YOU...)
To: devane617
18 posted on
12/26/2007 9:01:49 AM PST by
Dumpster Baby
("Hope somebody finds me before the rats do .....")
To: devane617
If they said it was legal and then it was not legal, then this is a taking of property entitled to compensation.
Taking of property does not mean just land, there is property of the intellect, property of the person, property of the conscience etc.
He would have a takings claim.
19 posted on
12/26/2007 9:05:20 AM PST by
(VOTE! and
To: devane617
Akins, 54, is an expert marksman, ex-Marine, You'd think that since Mr. Wade properly capitalized Marine that he would also realize there are no "ex-Marines".
Mr. Akins is a former Marine.
20 posted on
12/26/2007 9:05:30 AM PST by
("If you don't have my army supplied, and keep it supplied, we'll eat your mules up, sir"-Gen.Sherman)
To: devane617
I would post a response, but it’s just a matter of time before the ATF wants a customer list from Jim Robinson.
To: devane617
For years, marksmen have been using a technique called bump firing, shooting a semiautomatic rifle from the hip and allowing the weapon's recoil to pull the trigger.
"FTB has concluded that your submitted device is not designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machine gun," ATF officials wrote in a letter dated Aug. 23, 2005.
But in 2006, several months after full production began, the ATF reversed its original ruling, outlawing the device and leaving Akins with a worthless product.
Do they, or don't they, have a dog in the fight between an abusive and mercurial ATFE vs. lawful US citizen gun owners? Yep! NRA BETTER get into this, as , shooting a semiautomatic rifle is legal. Apparently only because BATF&E has not yet pronounced from the mountaintops that semis are not legal. Which apparently BATF&E believes they have the author-i-tie to make such lofty decisions based upon
just because.
NRA very much has a dog in this fight, and they are saying this is not their job. Well if it isnt, what is?
And NRA wonders why there are 70 million firearms owners and only how many NRA members?
23 posted on
12/26/2007 9:09:41 AM PST by
To: devane617
27 posted on
12/26/2007 9:15:37 AM PST by
To: devane617
only the MSM would call firing from the hip as being a technique used be “marksmen”.
29 posted on
12/26/2007 9:20:06 AM PST by
(I think I'll buy everyone a carbon credit for Christmas.)
To: devane617
To the ATF, the mechanism is an illegal converter kit that, in the wrong hands, could turn a run-of the-mill target rifle into a 700-round-per-minute killing machine. Any firearm, regardless of cyclic rate, is a killing machine.
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