NBC MEET THE PRESS....4,671,000 (34%) (+790,000) CBS FACE THE NATION...3,321,000 (24%) (+379,000) ABC THIS WEEK.........3,122,000 (23%) (+125,000) FOX NEWS SUNDAY.......2,094,000 (15%) (-368,000) CNN LATE EDITION........598,000 ( 4%) (+ 70,000)This past week, for the fifth straight week in a row, more people watched the Sunday talk shows than the week prior. Most notable this week is the gains made by FACE THE NATION, who gained nearly 400,000 viewers from last week to rise to four month highs in viewers and audience share. MEET THE PRESS regained the large audience losses it suffered last week but because more people are tuning in it only regained half of the audience share from its high two weeks ago. THIS WEEK had modest gains.
“Most notable this week is the gains made by FACE THE NATION, who gained nearly 400,000 viewers from last week to rise to four month highs in viewers and audience share.”
Yes, the gains were made on Face The Nation Suncay Dec.16th.
And guess who was on Face The Nation last Sunday, Fred Thompson! GO FRED!