Washington and Jefferson warned against becoming entangled in other nation’s affairs. None of the forefathers you mentioned was a nut case, either. There is room for genuine debate regarding our role in foreign affairs, presidential powers, and the like.
Ron Paul brings a different perspective, to be sure, but I see nothing in his arguments to make him worthy of the knee-jerk slander that seems to crop up whevever his name is mentioned. Sounds just a like a bunch of frothing-at-the-mouth Bush haters.
Let's see, during the Whiskey Rebellion, George Washington declared martial law in certain parts of the country and commanded American troops on American soil to enforce taxes.
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both fought undeclared wars off the coast of Africa.
None of the forefathers you mentioned was a nut case, either.
I never said they were, Ron Paul is a nutcase though.