Yes, the fact that I didn't have a decibel meter at that location at that moment destroys my argument completely. < /sarc> What the heck are you talking about? My point is that she's not getting hit for doing anything in her home, she's getting hit for doing something that intruded on public space. You know, like a guy playing his stereo full volume, or revving his car without a muffler late at night.
This nosy cop came down the street to listen to the woman, then shouted into her house for her to watch her language. If hed done that to me, Id have had a few choice words for him myself.
So, you think it's nosy when somebody is swearing in front of somebody else's kids and they tell them to stop? Is this what freedom is for conservatives now, the right to be an ass and not be criticized? Sounds like liberalism to me.
Maybe it wasn’t the toilet she was cursing??
When you called me a liberal, you admitted defeat. Thanks for playing, and please come back when you wise up. In the meantime, be sure and keep policing your neighbor’s language in their own homes.