"not only from China, but North Korea (Birds of a feather) "
Because it's obvious to the casual observer that the internet just hasn't really penetrated North Korea to any great extent. What kind of retard would launch an attack from NK when anyone with an ounce of sense would have to know that packets from there were sent by the North Korean government? Not very impressive hax0r skills, in my opinion.
Our enemies are powerful enough in reality without us blowing them up into invincible boogiemen in our minds.
Ah, but grasshopper, you miss the point.
That ham-handed approach WAS the message. A political message. It was an irrefutable evidence of the Chicom GOVERNMENT'S displeasure over being called out as a bad guy for its downing, invasion and theft of our EP3 reconaissance plane.
They basically were saying they were ready to go to war over the issue if it didn't go their way.
Last I recall, it did go their way.
And the Netherlands bot attacks were merely an extra "persuader" explaining our "commander in chief" that they were not going to be easily "switched off" if it came down to a slug-fest.
We were seeing only the tip of the iceberg of Chicom capabilities. And we saw how ill-prepared we were for these supposedly "unimpressive" attacks.
For some real laughs at the Administration continuing and deepening disconnect from reality, check out Admrial Keating's testimony for his confirmation.
I’ve not heard of O RLY, other than the airport.
And I’ve no desire to post to you. You are too difficult to follow.