I don't know what you routinely carry, but my usual CC load when I'm carrying a .45 M1911 or Commander is four mags and one up the spout. One of the mags is in the gun, two in a double mag carrier, and the last one is an eight-rounder carried in a modified ankle rig. In all, I've got 30 rounds available for the ball, a few more than that if/once I get to my vehicle.
More needed, you think, or about right?
Two 14-round mags for my S&W .40 cal. I figure if I need more than 28 shots, I need backup.
Colonel, USAFR
Sounds good....my ankle rig is a small S&W 317 .22 snub that a rigger made for me that holds an older style box of 50 spare stingers for 58 rounds there as backup and I pack a Glock 19 now stuffed w/ Corbon 115+P’s. The mags have +2 bases. Primary mag in the 19 is for the 19 and the spares are for a 17/24 that fit the 19. Figure if I have to reload..... I want too RELOAD. A Glock 18 is a safe queen yet 3 of her 32 round stick mags are in the briefcase.
Far be it from me to be YOUR critic, but sounds like too many rounds compensating for a second choice weapon to me. If you are thinking fight instead of escape, shouldn't you be thinking more offensive?
Ive been very lazy.
Routinely, I carry either a glock 19 or a Walther P-99 in 9mm, usually no extra mag.
I dragged out my old Galco Miami Classic Shoulder holster for my Glock that takes two extra mags..That’s what? 52 rounds?
It doesn’t seem to be enough these days.