Children are not mature enough to be “independent”.
Seriously, see my link above, read the book from your library. It makes a lot of sense. If he’s old enough to understand a command, he’s old enough to obey you, willingly and cheerfully.
When the child has enough parental guidance under his belt, THEN he can be independent, and more confidently so.
Incidentally, I talked to a Vietnamese family a while back, and out of curiosity asked about the “terrible two’s” - they hadn’t heard of it. Described it to the mother and she said “oh, that’s just misbehavior - spanking consistently cures that”.
My buddy has 7 kids (with the help of his wife), ages 2-13, not one ever had the dreaded terrible two's disease.
I guess the Terrible Two's aren't inevitable. If they were at least 1 of his kids should have had it. The fact that 7 of 7 avoided it tells me its all about parenting, and NOT about the child.