Bottom line—we treat our kids as equals, not as parent-child, and wonder why they get upset when some put their foot down eventually...
...interestingly, while we (the Grown-Ups) maintain the attitude that WE are the adults around here, YOU are the KIDS and it’s the ADULTS who make the decisions, we are accused of ‘violating’ their ‘rights’ as humans by not recognizing them as ‘equals.’
They get this from school.
We laugh it off and get the final word, (usually ;) but these kids are actually being engineered into thinking they should have as much authority and say-so as adults.
Not only that, but from *very* young ages, they are told they can call Children-Youth Services if they feel they are being ‘abused.’ (which can be anything from a severe beating to being made to sit in a corner or made to eat their brocolli.)
I’ve read/heard enough horror stories that once a call is placed, you can be embroiled in a battle with these dimwits simply for giving the kid Cheerios over Captain Crunch if the kid calls and cries ‘abuse!’
When mine were younger, I cringed at the idea when they’d make the that they are older, I tell them, ‘Here, would you like me to make the call FOR you? YOU will be the one put into foster care in the ghetto with 9 other kids and at least I won’t have to listen to your mouth for a few days.’