Enforce? Will Fred commit to building a fence and secure the border?
Seriously, trying to see the “other side” - what is their (surface) reasoning for not wanting a fence and sealed border?
I know what the underlying, and UNDERLYING, reasons are - but what are they offering for a surface argument?
He already has:
Bolster Border Security. Finish building the 854-mile wall along the border by 2010 as required by 8 USC 1103. Extend the wall beyond that as appropriate and deploy new technologies and additional resources to enhance detection and rapid apprehension along our borders by 2012.
Most of the hard core, drug trade, illegals already come through tunnels - not over the open border. With over 800 miles of border - plenty of room for more tunnels = In this day of technology, I'd rather the money went to electronic surveillance - much less expensive and better able to detect and apprehend.
"The Wall" is a red-herring
video clip that was on his website. I can’t find it on the website now, but it is on youtube:
Then there is a 30 second commercial:
Fred says the laws are on the books for the fence, he says enforce the law, secure the border, it is a matter of national defense. When he says enforce the law, one of the laws he is talking about is the law for the border fence.