NRTL has been compromised for a number of years now. Those who have been out on the front lines of this movement know it.
Two of their top leaders have endorsed Mitt Romney, a man who has spent the last thirty-five years of his life using his political power to strenuously promote abortion on demand.
Now, they endorse a man who is openly opposed to the principles in the Reagan platform, and who thinks states have a right to abrogate the unalienable right to life.
People need to wake up and start thinking for themselves. They need to realize that they’ve been sold down the river by the vast majority of their leaders.
Lip service is not nearly enough. At least three to four thousand American children continue to be slaughtered every day.
Abortion was incrementally being eliminated in the states when Roe v Wade changed everything. This article spells out exactly the process that has worked, incrementalism. Piece by piece abortion is going back under control of the will of the people. It cannot be adjudicated by decree or by executive fiat.
The best hope for eliminating abortion on demand is to be returned to the states to put the process of eliminating it back in OUR hands, where it belongs.