Abortion was incrementally being eliminated in the states when Roe v Wade changed everything. This article spells out exactly the process that has worked, incrementalism. Piece by piece abortion is going back under control of the will of the people. It cannot be adjudicated by decree or by executive fiat.
The best hope for eliminating abortion on demand is to be returned to the states to put the process of eliminating it back in OUR hands, where it belongs.
That's just not true. What was actually happening is that abortion was being brought in incrementally at that time, state by state, beginning with the Colorado law in 1967, signed by a Republican Governor, that allowed babies conceived by rape to be murdered in the womb.
“And by adhereing to the fallacy that a HLA Amendment will stop abortion sooner is clinging to a false hope.”
What’s with the false-choice straw man argument?
If protecting the lives of prenatal children is the objective, you...
1. Support overturning Roe v. Wade
AND (not OR)
2. You support a Human Life Amendment that protects prenatal children’s lives in all 50 states
Doesn’t matter which one comes first, though the latter would accomplish both 1 and 2 simultaneously.