Make sure that the goblin needs killin’ for the reason that you are killin’ them and it is important enough to you to spend a year or so getting badmouthed by the cops, “parents” of the “honor student” and every liberal who hasn’t been mugged yet.
Calling 911 serves one purpose. It is your tin can and string connection to the cop shop and nothing else. Dial, request the Police with a very abbreviated reason and then hang up. The 911 operator will sooner tell you to shoot your dog so SWAT won’t have to than to shoot to defend yourself.
In this situation being an excellent witness might have been a better choice than the one that was made. I don’t know as I wasn’t there.
This was in Texas? Why did the guys have to break in at all? They should have just taken the sofa, refrigerator, 12” sylvania, and engine blocks that were on the porch.
And the shooter? What kinda shotgun? You get no style points for a Mossy 500 or such. Now if he’d had a cut down A-5 a la’ Clyde Barrows, or a 16 gauge M-12 you’d have to acquit.
Atleast with three shots fired, he didn’t break the law on having a gun for Migratory burgular species plugged.
Noooooooooooo I wanted castle doctrine info if ya had it !
Yer Fired ......little gator !
Duh..I know this shoot was BS..........;o)
I’ll check back later this PM.