These people are just plain stupid and dont get that if you dont get the Republican in, you get the fire breathing Hillary who will not give us conservative judges, less taxes and less social programs.
Some people are going to be dimwits again and I bet they will boast of their stupidity here on FR after they did it like they believe they were being heroes instead of the morons they really are.
Here's the opinion of another "California Guy":
To: Jim Robinson
Nothing wrong with fighting for your candidate in the primary. But once the dust clears we have to support the anti-Hillary Republican candidate regardless of who he is. Hillary would be a loser for us all the way around.
159 posted on 11/07/2007 8:12:52 PM CST by gesully (gesully) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ]
To: gesully
Sorry, I will not be supporting a constitution trampling, gun grabbing, pro-abortion, pro-planned parenthood, pro-gay agenda, pro-thought crimes, pro sanctuary city liberal candidate for president. Best double and redouble your efforts to nominate a conservative instead of whining about Hillary.
160 posted on 11/07/2007 8:18:11 PM CST by Jim Robinson (Our God-given unalienable rights are not open to debate, negotiation or compromise!)
Fighting for a candidate should not include party swapping or raising money from the enemy.
What would you say if Bin Laden send RP $5,000,000?
You’d say the enemy is funding RP. The same is true when leftists fund him. What if George Soros becomes his biggest donor? Would your logic change then?
I will not help Hillary like those who don’t vote Republican in the main election will.
Doing nothing is a vote for Hillary.
Voting for Hillary is helping Hillary.
Throwing your vote down the third party Ross Perot black hole is also a vote for Hillary.
I will not enable Hillary.