I am probably wrong, but this is how I see things at this moment this morning.
The president makers (globalists) have already chosen their man as the next president. And yes, I said man.
I dont see Hillary being the chosen one because she is extremely unstable (mentally), cant be controlled, and will not be taking instructions from her globalist bosses. She is going to finish wrecking our country her way.
The house she needs to occupy is Belleview Hospital. Im serious. This woman is mentally ill. Just look at that deranged crazed look on her face.
The house she needs to occupy is Belleview Hospital. Im serious. This woman is mentally ill. Just look at that deranged crazed look on her face.
I ain’t real smart but I done had dat figgered out! Now who is the man?
Duncan Hunter!
Fred Thompson
and Mitt Romney.