The house she needs to occupy is Belleview Hospital. Im serious. This woman is mentally ill. Just look at that deranged crazed look on her face.
I ain’t real smart but I done had dat figgered out! Now who is the man?
I aint real smart but I done had dat figgered out! Now who is the man?
I dont know.
On the Democrat side, Obama Osama is not bright but crooked enough. The only thing Dodd knows is how to make waitress sandwiches with Kennedy the Swimmer. The rest are more of a blur.
On the Repubican side, It will probably be Juliannie, Fredhead, the empty suit one, or the Huck. They really seem to be favoring the Huck suddenly. The four I mentioned can be twisted into golobalism if they arent already. Fredhead is pretending not to be, but his friends are. His very dear friend, Howard Baker, comes to mind. Baker helped Carter give away our Panama Canal.
It isnt looking good.