Posted on 11/04/2007 7:04:39 AM PST by SandRat
SIERRA VISTA It could've been a patrol down any Iraqi street.
As a string of troop transports makes its way through the desert, heavy dust mixes with exhaust, obscuring the vision of dozens of Fort Huachuca soldiers keeping an eye out for insurgents.
Approaching a car near a mosque, the convoy slows as the sound of an Islamic prayer call hangs in the air.
Then comes the chaos.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
At least that byline is now correct.
I want to try something like that.
Why yes there is, and yes we do.....Every Marine is a rifleman first and we train in being leaders of riflemen throughout our careers no matter what our primary MOS is...Being a rifleman is the essence of what a Marine is. Semper Fi
ASA Vet fyi.
I was stationed there for a while and it was sort of like a desert. Very interesting place to be stationed with what all that was going on there.
I always said the Corps had the right philosophy in "every Marine a rifleman".
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
Cloase enough to help patrol the Mexican Border.
That had been some years ago and not a whole lot of that was going on then for some reason.
Enlist for Army Intell and you can.
No shit.
Save your breath. I spent time in both worlds...I'm not impressed.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
My son is stationed there with the Signal Corps. He is training for a redeployment. As one of your “rear eschelon pukes” he ran Sat signals at the closest base to the North Korean DMZ a year ago during the missle launch.
You know what? He was the only soldier in that Second Infantry Division cycle to score a perfect score on the Urban Combat quick-kill range. They snagged him to train up some of your less aspiring grunts for a month.
He deploys to Kanduhar for fourteen months in about six weeks.
Service is honorable in all branches and duties.
I believe it is "panty waste". Waste as in garbage, leakage, etc. I won't call you on it being a 19D and all.
Running a jammer I used to own you guys in the field. Jamming TACFIRE controlled missions, doing a little ICD that would have scout platoons jumping into and out of MOPP faster than you can say, "Again?" or sending them into contact against a bogus tank platoon while their CO is screaming at me to get off his net. Jamming commanders and using their callsigns to send bogus reports back to higher headquarters (pick one). No radio discipline at all.
I had the best time of my life doing stuff like that.
And no, it's panty waist, as in the panties around REMFs' waists.
"I had the best time of my life doing stuff like that."
Yeah, like I did, playing OPFOR, raiding TOCs and BSAs, waking up the clerks n' jerks, hearing them lament "are you Scouts gonna leave us alone so we can get some sleep (actually heard that from a cook we'd just "killed")? Or even better were the times we infiltrated, tying engineer tape with messages such as "more dead REMFs" and "Scouts kick it, REMFs lick it" to antennas, under Jeeps and Hunvees, on UH-1 skids, etc. All while the REMFs out on OP slept...
As I said before, I'm not impressed.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
See, that's the funny part. We were usually so far forward we'd catch LRRPs during training at NTC.
You aren't stepping on my toes. I have the satisfaction in knowing that scouts and FOs had to look around my ass to get a glimpse of the enemy.
But I'm being told by She Who Must Be Ignor...uh, Obeyed to play nice, so let me add a couple of caveats:
1) I'd rather have a REMF in a fighting position next to me than 99.9% of civilians, and
2) none of this jostling and jabbing applies to our people, regardless of MOS or service/branch, currently service Over Yonder. From what I hear, even Air Force clerks are finding themsevles behind a 240B or SAW, riding shotgun with convoys. My hat's off to all of them, regardless.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
My radio operator in Honduras was a cook. Damn fine airman! She saved my bacon a time or two.
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