“Immigrants from some countries also have higher liklihood of having TB, but they tend to be found in the poorer neighborhoods as well.”
Ahhhhhhhhhh NO
REAL immigrants are tested BEFORE they leave their own countries to come here...
If they have TB or other diseases they do not get the go ahead to enter the US...
Your “immigrants” are probably illegal aliens...
They are not “my immigrants” and I do not have the ability to verify whether they are legal or not. I would suspect some are and some aren’t.
Immigrants come here and generally live in close quarters with other immigrants. The poor neighborhoods they live in are prime conditions for the transmission of TB and lots of other IDs. It only takes one infected illegal in these conditions to infect several others, so it isn’t just the illegals that are at risk for these diseases. Everyone who comes into contact with the infected individual is at risk, and the transmission rate for active TB is around 25-30%. Sorry, but this isn’t just an illegals problem. It becomes a problem for all of us.