“Thompson is who you should be pulling for, for Pete’s sake!”
I’m neither for or against either Senator Thompson or Governor Huckabee. I am adamantly opposed to Mayor Guiliani and to a lesser degree Governor Romney.
Once again, I will attempt to be clear. If Senator Thompson or his supporters want me to support him, they must move him more to the right on moral issues. While I, in theory, agree that federalism would be an answer to many moral issues. I am realistic enough to see that the principles of federalism haven’t really existed since the Civil War. The majority of justices on federal benches have little regard for them. So, it will take a strong, right leaning, federal government to correct over 150 years of usurpations of the rights of the states or the people before true “federalism” can exist.
It is funny you should mention “slavery” as something the federal government should step in to stop. It was this issue that Lincoln used to destroy the “federalism” you so cherish. I consider abortion to be on a par or worse than slavery. Why shouldn’t I also use the federal government to end it?
You are correct in one statement you made. I most definitely consider Libertarians to be Libertines. Libertarians to me are just a mirror image of the ACLU.
What, then, do you think of the concept of "Liberty"? Are not then all who seek liberty, Libertines?
That would include Walter Williams, to name one famous Libertarian, and many others who most emphatically are NOT Libertines, very far from it. Instead, they are people who respect the DIGNITY and FREEDOM of others to learn their life's moral lessons without the input of self-described "righteous" folks. Yet you insult them, every one, out of hand because of your own pride and self-righteousness. Again, people like you HURT your own cause hugely. You fail to respect the dignity of others with regard to things between them and God, where YOU have no place.
That you have such a consistently low opinion of your fellows speaks ill of you. That you assume the worst in them and then blatantly speak it and accuse many very good people -- probably many of them better than you -- of being Libertines reveals you as a bitter, meddlesome, and probably often unwelcome person.
Christians in the Western world, NOT Lincoln, ended slavery. The British Navy is mostly what enforced the END of the slave trade. It was a deeply moral and economic issue that did not involve secrets and quiet troubled hearts, as does abortion, which I regard as ugly and wicked, but which I also respect as being between the heart of the sinner and God. Every person comes to God in his or her own way, and YOU, my FRiend, have NO PLACE IN IT. But you seem to think you do. Why is that?
If you do not see the vast MORAL difference between enslaving human beings for financial profit and a girl pregnant out-of-wedlock who seeks an abortion, then you are willfully deceiving yourself in your heart.