‘a “zero tolerance” operation to prosecute, jail and deport all illegal immigrants caught’
I thought this was SOP.
I am not surprised by the lack of availability of any Houston officials...
But then again if the crackdown can effect the transportation side, at the source, down in the Laredo area...
The safe houses (the coyotes use regularly) in the Houston area are going to dry up significantly...
“It is a key facet of the Bush Admistration crackdown....”
Congressmen Culbertson R-Texas and Cuellar D-Texas were both interviewed on KSEV radio (Houston and their sister station in Dallas) and Congressman Culbertson said that this statement by the Houston Chronicle was totally false. The crackdown was caused by These two men working together in a Bi-partisan fashion (With the total cooperation of the Laredo B.P Sector Chief) to get some extra funds for this sector in order to enforce this action (prosecutions and jail space).
Wouldn’tt it be better to enforce the laws against employers?
1-Drying up the jobs has been proven to work, they leave to find work elsewhere. Bring in guest workers ONLY if needed. The employers will have to pay ALL expenses related to their being here IF they cant find citizens via a specific website for 30 days.
2-It is impossible to catch them all!
3-Imposing $100,000 fines per illegal for the first offense and $200,000 fines per illegal and mandatory jail time for the second is very compelling for employers to do the right thing!
4-The fines imposed would pay for the enforcement and help with jailing those that are criminals.