You mean like the lawyers who make sure the victim of doctor who screwed up, has the money to FIX the mistake or care for the mistake for the rest of the victims life? You mean like the person who otherwise would end up dead and burried but for the fact the settement money PAID for the treatments or repair?
You mean like the doctors who get their licenses pulled so they don’t BURRY any more mistakes.
You do realise EVEN before a malpractice suit can be filed there are prerequisits into reporting and mediation that must be fulfilled?
You do realise MOST ALL those jackpot suits you read in the papers are ultimatly set aside due to JURY errors?
even the McDonalds suit everyone uses as an example settled for 200 thousand and that was because the plaintiff knew it was going to be reversed. it was settled for the amount of money mcdonalds was going to spend.
People who have these malpractice claims spend their money on medicalbills. They don’t buy ferraris. They buy artificial legs when the doctor chops off the wrong leg. It pays for kidney transplants when the doctor removes the wrong kidney.
In wrongful death cases it pays for the loss of the earnigns of a father, or mother.
So.....when the Doctor is innocent of wrongdoing (and you must admit this is often the case), you have no problem with having the person who wrongfully sued him pay his attorneys fees, then?
Loser pays. Seems fair enough to me.