I guess he found a "loophole" in the system...
wtf????? robbery??? i don’t want to go into it. You freakin liberals are nuts
Michael Nifong would have had a far better chance with this case.
It is just barely conceivable, though it seems to me highly improbable, depending on how Pennsylvania’s rape and prostitution statutes, and other laws and legal precedents relating to consent to sexual acts are written, that this is a correct applicaiton of the law.
It does oddly remind me of an amusing case from California a few years back, in which a dispute broke out in a bar. One of the parties said something to the effect of “I’ve got a gun, you’ve got a gun, let’s go outside and settle this like men.” The other party agreed, they went outside and shot at each other. Prosecutors were much chagrinned to find their murder charge wouldn’t stick: because the two men had agreed to shoot at each other, an agreement to which there were many witnesses, the survivor could only be charged with dueling—which as I recall carried a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment.
How to make a hormone?
Don’t pay her.
A whore should be judged by the same criteria as other professionals offering services for pay, such as dentists, lawyers, hairdressers, physicians, plumbers, etc.
Is she professionally competent?
Does she give good measure?
Is she honest with her clients?
It is possible that the percentage of honest and competent whores is higher than that of plumbers and much higher than that of lawyers.
And enormously higher than that of professors.
"The Legislature has defined sex by force as rape," said DeSipio, accusing the judge of "rewriting her own laws."
DeSipio said Judge Deni's ruling was based, not on the law, but on moral contempt.
Why waste taxpayers' money for what some people consider an occupational hazard? There are enough sympathetic victims without wasting time on prostitutes who ask for trouble, right?
Since when is the law based taxpayers opinion
The judge is a menace to the legal system
It WOULD have been just theft of services, if the first two parties had had sex, and then the man just walked away, without paying. BUT, when he pulls a gun, then does her, AND has his buddies join in also...to me that is CLEARLY rape. Even hookers don’t deserve that. Heck, she might be the ONE with a heart of gold!