Just how does helping to defeat a republican candidate who has said any number of times he would nominate “strict constructionists” (Code word for pro life) judges to the Bench hurt the pro-life movement?
(followup question) Just how would helping put a democrat (who would nominate pro-choice judges to the bench help the pro-life movement?
Assuming Rudy wins the GOP nomination doing anything to get him defeated and putting any democrat in the WH (IMO) sets the pro-life movement back 10(?)-20(?) more years and cases the deaths of untold numbers of children.
Look at his record, not his promises.
Just how does helping to defeat a republican candidate who has said any number of times he would nominate strict constructionists (Code word for pro life) judges to the Bench hurt the pro-life movement?
The man would pay for the murder of his own grandchild but he’s too moral to lie, is that what you are telling me?