A liberal's lament: The NRA might be right after all By Jonathan Turley
Sen Coburn strikes again, the only Senator worth a damn.
In Like Flynn: What is Intelligence?
I'm not bashing the NRA. I just think they got it wrong. Indulge me with a mini-rant. IMHO, Senator Coburn and the American Legion are correct in their assessment H.R. 2640. I was a member of the VFW before the last time I went on active duty. I currently have no problem with the NRA except H.R. 2640. My dues was paid up about a decade ago. I have given very modest donations since then.
Whether it should be characterized as another camel's nose under the tent or a Trojan Horse, they should find another way to find relief from this NICS enabled, Second Amendment disability. IIRC, Senator Coburn trained in a family practice residency, and then he had additional training to be certified in obstetrics. He has a significant amount of training in medicine.
IMHO, there's a significant threat from electronic medical records and the tendency to expand politcally correct diagnoses that cause a permanent NICS disability. Various states wanted to prevent concealed carry privileges with all sorts of nonsense.
The McCarthy/Leahy/Schumer serpent is holding out an apple. Even the NRA want us to take a bite.
Don't trust a serpent!