THEY ? Who is THEY ? Polls are crap. Never have I ever been asked to participate in a poll from a pollster or the MSM.
They conduct a poll in a major city all yer gonna get is the DNC liberal welfare rats opinion and if this poll is true then even some of them are for the GOP.....
The only thing killing the GOP if at all is their pandering to the amnesty , gun grabbing , keep the hate alive , American hating ass-hats who consist only in the MSM’s live at five reports and seditious polidiots legislation.
Fence setting moderate conservatives need to stop shoveling rino sh*t to the sheeple and stop trying to save the world while they destroy our beloved republic.
And if you believe that childrens health care crap for one minute .....gheeeesh. That was nothing less than a bag of manure BS bill, placed on GW’s porch , set afire and they ran knowing full and well what the heck that was gonna do when he stomped it out........
I live in a small city/town in the West and I have participated in political polls carried out by phone.
Also, for a few years my family was included in surveys about new tv shows. We were called and asked to turn our cable tv to a channel at a certain time, and then watched a pilot show before it appeared on the regular schedule. After the pilot was over, they called and did a phone survey about our opinion. They were interested in all family members opinions.