Question 6 is last question: "What do you intend to do to counteract the homo agenda?"
Keyes... defend the natural family, protect marriage. As ordanined by God. We had God ordained family before governmeent.
Hunter... I like Alan's idea of the bedrock of family. Firmly support family and military... No gays in military... That is why we have the very best military in the world today. Boy Scouts should be kept free of gays.
Ron Paul... all rights are individual... all have a right to their life, but if you want to change people, do it through church or such, but no force... no affirmitave action for any group including gays, but ... no hate laws, idividuals, constitution, individual rights. (talks way to fast for my typing)
Brownback, agrees with Hunter. Gen Pace stood up for "Don't ask don't tell policy", every dem came out against him.
Cox... I agree with Sam, Duncan, Alan, (left out Ron), we don't have to sanction this behavior, talks about Tranies wanting to be school teachers. Promotes home schooling so we don't have to deal with "that". We need to use common sense to stay away from perversion.
Tancredo... Rambles a bit, then says he agrees with John. Talks about the agenda in the schools to teach moral acceptance of homo agenda. He introduced legislation...
Huck... Homos have become strong because families have become weak. Parennts are to train replacements. Don't hate 'em, but as a Christian, we are to stand up for family.
End of round one
Round 2... answers are by red light or green light. Speed round.
Thanks for the update in post 219.