I was walking one day and came upon someone from our municipal public works dept. He was standing by a manhole waiting for the head of their truck mounted snake to reach him. The truck was about 3 blocks away. He said one of the reasons that he was there was to rescue any cats or dogs that might come running up the line.
Anyway, he mentioned that unlike a lot of municipalities they did this preventitively. He said that he went to Mexico on vacation and wherever it was they went, they did not flush used toilet paper, figured that it would always clog the pipes. Instead, they just drop the used toilet paper in the trash. Nasty, but probably beneficial in some circumstances. Some people have mentioned this above.
Another possibility is to use a composting toilet, that way what you compost the sewage and the only thing goining into your septic tank and leach field is just greywater, less likely to clog. Here is a link.
They use these things in places that have a lot of rocky ground. Hard to put a leach field in when you have granite 6 inches down. Good Luck!
I'm friends with two local plumbers (and we have a sizeable hispanic population)...they say this is true and one of the more disgusting things they see in homes.
It's a cultural thing - in rural Mexico, everything's pretty much just a pit system.
The local WalMart, by the way, has bilingual signs in the bathroom stalls requesting that used paper be flushed...but you still see lots of wads on the floor. Wifey now "holds it" until we get home.