To: Kaslin
Griffin wasn't funny, isn't funny and will never be funny. Her crack about Jesus vividly illustrates the fact that she is just an overrated hack comic whose act consists mainly of off-color, swear word laced ramblings about sex and body parts, and whose only way of keeping her career alive is to one-up the next guy in terms of shock value.
She is nothing more than a boring, loud mouthed, miserable, no-talent media whore.
41 posted on
09/14/2007 5:21:41 AM PDT by
(Ron Paul put the cuckoo in my Cocoa Puffs)
To: reagan_fanatic
she is just an overrated hack comic Let's throw Jack Black and Queen Latifah into that pile as well.
86 posted on
09/14/2007 6:03:31 AM PDT by
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