I don't have time, and, therefore, refuse to do YOUR homework, though you claim to be knowledgeable and all-knowing about the SPP, you obviously only intend to post on this thread to attack and character assassinate Schlafly.
For this reason, I REFUSE to provide links to anything FOR you. You are playing a game, and I won't be played. Therefore, the game you are TRYING to play was over from the beginning: game, set, and match. We all got your number from the get go.
If I was in error in saying that "Schlafly's claim of such a delegation of U.S. legislative powers to a foreigner is wrong," that would be easy to show by pointing to specific SPP language that gives such a legislative power to a foreigner. It would have taken a lot less time than you're spent, but you can't do it, thus confirming that Schlafly is wrong about that.
You say that you won't do it (i.e., point to specific SPP language that gives a legislative power to a foreigner), but it's clear that you can't do it. If you could, this would be over.
You've the one, not me, who claimed to be well-read on the SPP, but you are unable to answer the simplest question about it.
Your next post, if any, will again inadvertently confirm that there is no specific SPP language that gives a legislative power to a foreigner. Indeed, every additional time that you post, it confirms that no such delegation of a legislative power is given to a foreigner under SPP. Otherwise, you would simply list the power and the language that delegates it.