The problem that you keep doing is looking at this from the perspective of truckers instead of what the overall benefit of shifting to areas of more efficiency will be to Americans as a whole.
"Just in Time" delivery has already done away with warehouses. If you thing mexican truckers are going to come to the US and "teach" us anything, other than the need for better truck inspections, you are sadly mistaken.
Why don’t you present us with a cost benefit analysis instead of your Pollyanna ‘its gonna’ be wonderful day’. Saving a few hours at the border is going to make up for all of the negative financial and social impacts on the US? I call BS.
OK. I’ll bite. To what areas of efficiency do you suggest we transfer our efforts? What can we do more effeciently that won’t be negated by third world wages?
Yes, I understand. I would be a great day when tens of thousands of truckers in the U.S. lost their jobs. I get it.
Look, give up you job if you think this is a good deal. Spend a couple of years looking for one and take one half the salary when you’ve finally found a new job. Do the U.S. a favor. Come on...