If we do not follow the NAFTA agreement and block the trucks, Mexico will retaliate with unilateral tariffs. The result will be less trade and higher prices. As I understand, the US cannot unilaterly change the NAFTA agreement. The Mexican trucks are coming. We need to ensure reasonable safety regulations, English speaking drivers, and no contraband and illegal immigration.
Loading and unloading goods at the border is highly inefficient. Allowing freer movement of goods will lead to lower prices for consumers and ultimately more jobs and economic growth. If you favor the current inefficient practice, do you also support restrictions on airline travel? Should you be required to fly a Mexican airline when crossing into Mexico? Should Mexicans be required to fly a US airline when flying into the US?
What you say makes perfect sense to me..but not to he emotional nativists around here.
Security? of course.
Banning legitimate trade? Stupid and misguided.
Efficiency? You will open up the US to potential chaos and put the average US citizen at risk for increased crime and decreased income for efficiency?
Come on..you had better do better than that.
What we could do to Mexico economically would be immeasurable and devastating to Mexico, not the US.
“Loading and unloading goods at the border is highly inefficient. Allowing freer movement of goods will lead to lower prices for consumers and ultimately more jobs and economic growth. If you favor the current inefficient practice, do you also support restrictions on airline travel? Should you be required to fly a Mexican airline when crossing into Mexico? Should Mexicans be required to fly a US airline when flying into the US?”
A false comparison.....American truckers don’t WANT to reciprocate by driving into Mexico. It isn’t safe. Have you ever owned a business, or do you just teach?
>>We need to ensure reasonable safety regulations...<<
Which is impossible, because the Mexican police does not keep records of bribes (almost 100% of “traffic fines”) accepted, and even if it did, Mexico has no system for tracking driver safety records.
Apparently safety is not important to the “free traders” who want to ram this down our throats.
You’re assuming they load and unload at the border. I was under the impression they did a drop and hook. They don’t even break the seals to check the freight. All they do is a cursory safety inspection of the outside of the trailer. On a different note, since they will move all shipping ports to Mexico, instead of the USA, who do you think is gonna have first dibs on that freight? The American trucker? I don’t think so. And if you think my husband is going to go down into Mexico, with his $100,000 truck, you’re out of your freaking mind.
do US truckers have free access to Mexico??
” Should Mexicans be required to fly a US airline when flying into the US?”
No. but the pilots must speak english and follow FAA rules and reg. The pilots are checked and so are the planes.