You might also note that Senator McCain has been treated repeatedly for a malignant melanoma of the face.
Finally, please remember John Kerry had a total prostatectomy a short time before running for President. He, like all the Pubbie candidates thus far, refused to make all personal health records available to the press.
There is a squeamishness of the press and others about asking tough questions and demanding full answers—by data not by speeches—as to personal health.
Being able to physically able to do the job is further compounded by questions of psychological consequences of an ongoing, fatal illness. Wilson, FDR, JFK and, yes Reagan in his last term, all had severe disabilities which supposedly have now been dealt with by legislation. Better to assess the health care of candidates before they are elected than after! We all do get sick and die, this should not be the problem it is. There is a general reluctance to talk about one's own diseases and death--especially by those who hold high public office.
My point in my comments on the Rudi site were that Fred Thompson had said much as he did in this posted article, and there were all kinds of ‘experts’ on the thread who were going on and on about the seriousness of Fred’s cancer vs Rudi’s not being so serious to a presidential run. It kept him from running against Hillary! the first time for Senator of NY, and while Rudi may be cancer-free now, there is no guarantee that either man’s cancer won’t come back.
From your name I will assume you have a medical background and assume you know far more than me about such things. But I will also assume you know that cure rates for skin cancers and prostate cancer are far higher than most cancers. I will also assume you know that non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is basically uncurable. So how can you compare it with the others. If he follows the course of the three people I know who have had it, Fred will be dead within 3-5 years.