Dear RAT,
As long as you are a RAT, you get no respect or vote from me. In short, I don’t want to hear crap from you again, until you become a Republocant at a minimum.
Somebodie’s stupidity is showing!
I made three calls. My son in law is on an aircraft carrier and I email him about what is happening over here. He likes to hear that some people are standing up for America and giving them the support they need to finish the mission. I made the calls to say thanks for him. We disagree with Baird on a number of issues, but when he stands up for America and our troops, he has done the right thing.
And now you appear. You are free to say what you want here, but I don’t appreciate what you put on my thread. Please go crap in someone else’s living room. Thanks.
Yeah, that’s really clever.