If your candidate was accomplishing things, you’d be way too busy to come around and gripe about Fred. If you want your candidate to take off, perhaps you should be griping to him about what he is doing or not doing. People who don’t have anything to do have more time to complain.
You posted that to my comment #19. What was my gripe, what was my complaint? I was excoriating polls and didnt even mention Fred.
In my original comment, I was somewhat defending Fred, and I dont recall complaining about Hunter not doing well. Did you just see my tagline and decide to chide me? Given your profession, I can only hope the ability to discern the meaning of the written word is not completely lost on you.
The post was at 5:19 am, just before work and I have been home less than an hour. So not having anything to do is not something with which I am acquainted. I think you saw my tagline and decided to call down the Hunter supporter.
Oh, and since you brought it up, my candidate is accomplishing a great deal. How about being the leader in the fight for our sovereignty? How about writing a bill and getting it passed into law for 854 miles of double-fence along our Southern border? How about working tirelessly to make sure our brave soldiers have what they need when they engage our enemies? What about fighting for his country as a Ranger in Vietnam? There is so much more, but Ive a feeling you meant accomplishment in terms of poll numbers, which I abhor.