Posted on 08/23/2007 6:08:28 PM PDT by TornadoAlley3
Negligent homicide.
4 hours in the same car, same conditions. If they survive, it’s God’s will, if not it’s the same- and justice.
I'm trying to see how this could have happened...perhaps the father put the baby in the car seat (didn't tell the mother) figuring she's taking to daycare - she leaves thinking he has the baby duty - the baby must've been sound asleep and mother didn't notice it in care - she leaves and goes to work ----
very sad
BUT, and this is where you understood my point, life is NOT fair. It may make you feel better to tell yerself people had it coming to them, but we don't always have it coming to us. The beautiful little children who get abducted and killed don't have it coming to them. The little children who get leukemia and die at age 8 don't have it coming to them. It's a rough, wicked world. What is amazing is not how bad it is. I think it's amazing how good it is, despite the horrors we all face.
I definitely try to use the same standard on others I use on myself, which is good news for everyone else. LOL :-)I've screwed up plenty of times. And I remind myself all the time that the sharp teeth could bite me any time, any place. Sorta makes you thankful for every peaceful day you get.
She might want to change to a different specialty.
It sounds like the mother asked the father to park her car and forgot to remind him to take the baby to child care. When you are driving with a sleeping baby they are totally silent. Also the car seat for an infant is supposed to be reversed so the baby may not be easily visible.
The life of 2 parents working gets hectic and crazy.
People have a million things they are mulling over in their brains.
People are also creatures of habit - if they are preoccupied - and then are asked to do something that is out of their ordinary daily routine - it is easy for them to forget.
Add to that - carseats are required to be placed in the back seat, and babies often are lulled to sleep while the cars are moving.
Mom or dad gets out - walks into work and their regular routine starts - nothing to shake them out of their trance.
This happened less in the past because babies were allowed to sit up front - but also because there was usually one parent responsible for the baby during the day.
Now the baby has become the “responsibility” of the daycare, and dropping baby off is just another errand to run along with dropping off the drycleaning.
You would rather blame the parents. That's your misfortune.
My Great Aunt Florence used to say “they need to stay at home and take care of those babies”. . but, oh, of course, someone else will say “but, the mother is divorced and HAS to work” or else, “they just can’t make it on one paycheck” or something like that. No, it’s true you can’t drive a Mercedes Benz and wear $15 pantyhose and stay at home generally. Another Biblical consideration in the “divorce epidemic” is all part and parcel of the “without natural affection - lovers of selves rather than lovers of God” sickness of today. Oh, and don’t forget that the feminists tell us that scriptural teachings on “wives submit yourselve unto your husbands” and “husbands love your wives as your own bodies” are stupid. Sound doctrine has been abandoned by Christian preachers and teachers in order to tickle the ears of their modern, feminist, liberal congregations. If their ears aren’t tickled and their lifestyles congratulated by a preacher, he’s history and replaced quickly by any one of the million others who will.
People now are stressed out and in a daze as a result of the self-important, materialistic, career worshipping excuses for lives a lot of them are living. - However, since I don’t know all there is to know about these two individuals, all I do know is that this is a tragedy and I pity them and pray for them.
God bless you, Huck — He certainly blesses everyone who is touched by you! He works His wonders in strange and mysterious ways.
But those are things that are out of our control.
You have control of what you do to your kids. It was in the parents' control to make sure this did not happen.
My dad once left my sister and me at a gas station in Salinas, CA..he thought all kids were accounted for and in the car. He drove a good 20 miles before he realized something was amiss.
Was this me?
My dad once left my sister and me at a gas station in Salinas, CA..he thought all kids were accounted for and in the car. He drove a good 20 miles before he realized something was amiss.
Was this me?
bad things can happen to good people.....even perfect people....
accidents and mistakes are part of human life....
and for those that think this could never happen to them because they are superior parents and human beings....well, Jesus had a way of knocking those kind of people off their pedestal when HE walked the earth....
WHo are you?
I could fill a notebook myself. I think it take a lot of humility and honesty for one to admit their failings. I always joke about how busy I must keep God’s angels.
You also made an excellent point about the parents. There is nothing no court on earth could do to them that could be worse than their own recriminations. I don’t know if they have other children, but for their sake, I pray for their marriage. Only God will be able to help them.
Amen, and again amen.
While to some extent your point is valid, I hope you honestly don’t believe that the reason a lot of couples both work is because they want to drive a Mercedes and buy $15 hosiery. If so, you are living in a bizarre world of your own making.
While certainly there are lots of folks out there that could live a simpler life and have mom staying home, others do have to work. I know of lady that has had to work all these years and would have loved to stay home with her children but could not, simply because her husband never held down a job longer than a couple of years and never carried health insurance. Sure, she could’ve divorced him, but that wouldn’t have made things better and she’s Catholic and loves him and it just wasn’t an option.
I am sure others on here could cite many, many examples of other situations. So, don’t be so judgmental. I feel a little bit sorry for you if you really think this way.
Speaking of air bags, the other day the news reported that (I seem to think it happened in my state of Ohio)while driving on the highway, someone’s passenger seat airbag deployed spontaneously. The driver pulled off the road and literally moments after getting out of the car, the driver side bag deployed.
I’m more afraid of air bags in cars than driving without one. I’m also very petite and have read a lot of the anecdotal evidence about injuries (some fatal) to us “wee folk.”
I’m generally with you on some of these legislative things. I am not AGAINST airbags, but I think they should be an option in a car, much like a stereo or AC.
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