It was never even a remote first call for me.
Phony O’Baloney.
No thank you.
I think pretty much that Obama is done for. On the other hand, many were writing off John Kerry before Iowa and New Hampshire too. A Hillary scream could be just the ticket for Obama. ;-)
We can only hope that this empty suit has seen his last!
I guess this Hillary clone doesn’t like the truth being spoken by O’Bama’s wife.
Obama will return in either four or eight years. The great American attention span will have fogotten his unfocused, yet oddly expensive, first run for the presidency. His inanities will be ancient history and he will be the next heir apparent.
Who cares. He’s just a media creation anyway. The MSM is infatuated with him because he is articulate and doesn’t speak in ebonics. Obama has no basis to be President of the United States.
Still time for Mrs. Obama to cut Mrs. Clinton a few times more.
“Can’t run their own home, how ya gonna run the peoples home?”
Obama was simply working out his ambition and the media loved it, so they helped him. Hillary had to suspect Barak wouldn't hold up well in a white-hot national media spotlight and that his glaring inexperience would cause him to stumble, which is exactly what has happened. How convenient.
However, Obama's candidacy gives Hillary the ability to pretend that she 'fought for' the Democrat presidential nomination that was always hers. Some will be fooled. Many will not. Obama never really had a chance - and I don't mind at all. At least Hillary is a Marxist we know.