Dave, I Loved your Pics, and Purple, the Kitty and Bear Graphic you Posted Made me Exclaim Aloud when I Saw it, "How Adorable!" You Always Find the Neatest Things!
Meg, your Pic is Outstandingly Beautiful! And I Love that Kind of Butterfly; it Looks Like our Lord Dabbed it with a Paintbrush Dipped in White Paint! His Design of it is So Cute!
Deb, Sadie May has a Beautiful Face, no Doubt Reflecting a Sweet Heart. I Pray you will be Feeling Better Soon!
Jaycee, I Love all the Wonderful Graphics you Find! Dolly, I Hope you will Feel Better Soon.
Thank you All for Brightening my Day!
Thank YOU, Miss Kitty! The MeerKats were among the very few at the zoo that day that we actually could see - so many of the animals were either back in their ‘caves’ or just sleeping behind some big tree and all we saw were tails and part of their backs!
Such a wonderful response! T Y for telling me of it!
& T Y for the compliment too...Back atcha!
& You brighten my/our day too!