Posted on 08/18/2007 12:45:49 PM PDT by Renfield
To my readers:
Some time ago, I made an effort to remove from this website all political statements made by me in the past. Many of these statements were incomplete statements, and many were dated. And a good many of the emails I received about these statements indicated that they were confusing to my newer Christian readers. I felt, when I removed the material, that I was doing what was best for my personal vocation --- which is, to write books for Jesus Christ.
My vocation at this time remains unchanged. I am committed to writing books for the Lord, and those books right now, are books about His life on Earth as God and Man. I hope my books will reach all Christians, regardless of denomination or background. This has become my life.
However, I have come to feel that my Christian conscience requires of me a particular political statement at this time.
I hope you will read this statement in a soft voice. It is meant to be spoken in a soft voice.
Let me say first of all that I am devoutly committed to the separation of church and state in America. I believe that the separation of church and state has been good for all Christians in this country, and particularly good for Catholics who had a difficult time gaining acceptance as Americans before the presidential election of John F. Kennedy. The best book I can recommend right now on the separation of church and state is A SECULAR FAITH, Why Christianity Favors The Separation of Church and State, by Darryl Hart. However there are many other good books on the subject.
Believing as I do that church and state should remain separate, I also believe that when one enters the voting booth, church and state become one for the voter. The voter must vote her conscience. He or she must vote for the party and candidate who best reflect all that the voter deeply believes. Conscience requires the Christian to vote as a Christian. Commitment to Christ is by its very nature absolute.
My commitment and my vote, therefore, must reflect my deepest Christian convictions; and for me these convictions are based on the teachings of Christ in the Four Gospels.
I am keenly aware as a Christian and as an American that the Gospels are subject to a great variety of interpretation. I am keenly aware that Christians disagree violently on what the Gospels say.
I am also keenly aware that we have only two parties in this country. Only two. This point can not be emphasized enough. We do not have a slate of parties, including one which is purely Christian. We have two parties, and our system has worked with two parties for generations. This is what we have.
I feel strongly that one should vote for one of these two parties in an election. I suspect that not voting is in fact a vote. I suspect that voting for a third party, when such parties develop, is in effect voting for one of the major parties whether one wants to believe this or not.
To summarize, I believe in voting, I believe in voting for one of the two major parties, and I believe my vote must reflect my Christian beliefs.
Bearing all this in mind, I want to say quietly that as of this date, I am a Democrat, and that I support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.
Though I deeply respect those who disagree with me, I believe, for a variety of reasons, that the Democratic Party best reflects the values I hold based on the Gospels. Those values are most intensely expressed for me in the Gospel of Matthew, but they are expressed in all the gospels. Those values involve feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, visiting those in prison, and above all, loving ones neighbors and loving ones enemies. A great deal more could be said on this subject, but I feel that this is enough.
I want to add here that I am Pro-Life. I believe in the sanctity of the life of the unborn. Deeply respecting those who disagree with me, I feel that if we are to find a solution to the horror of abortion, it will be through the Democratic Party.
I have heard many anti-abortion statements made by people who are not Democrats, but many of these statements do not strike me as constructive or convincing. I feel we can stop the horror of abortion. But I do not feel it can be done by rolling back Roe vs. Wade, or packing the Supreme Court with judges committed to doing this. As a student of history, I do not think that Americans will give up the legal right to abortion. Should Roe vs Wade be rolled back, Americans will pass other laws to support abortion, or they will find ways to have abortions using new legal and medical terms.
And much as I am horrified by abortion, I am not sure -- as a student of history that Americans should give up the right to abortion.
I am also not convinced that all of those advocating anti-abortion positions in the public sphere are necessarily practical or sincere. I have not heard convincing arguments put forth by anti-abortion politicians as to how Americans could be forced to give birth to children that Americans do not want to bear. And more to the point, I have not heard convincing arguments from these anti-abortion politicians as to how we can prevent the horror of abortion right now, given the social situations we have.
The solution to the horror of abortion can and must be found.
Do I myself have a solution to the abortion problem? The answer is no. What I have are hopes and dreams and prayers --- that better education will help men and women make responsible reproductive choices, and that abortion will become a morally abhorrent option from which informed Americans will turn away.
There is a great deal more to this question, as to how abortion became legal, as to why that happened, as to why there is so little talk of the men who father fetuses that are aborted, and as to the human rights of all individuals involved. I am not qualified as a student of history to fully discuss these issues in detail. I remain conscientiously curious and conscientiously concerned.
But I am called to vote in this, our democracy, and I am called, as an American and a Christian, to put thought and commitment into that vote.
Again, I believe the Democratic Party is the party that is most likely to help Americans make a transition away from the abortion crisis that we face today. Its values and its programs --- on a whole variety of issues --- most clearly reflect my values. Hillary Clinton is the candidate whom I most admire.
I want to say something further. I am aware as a Christian writer that making a political statement like this is not a particularly wise marketing move. But my Christian conscience compels me to make this statement. My Christian conscience demands that I not lie in order to sell books. Lying to sell books, pandering to a Christian market --- these things would mean the deepest betrayal of my vocation to live for and write for Jesus Christ. I repeat: I wont lie to sell books.
I have felt a certain pressure of late to express my feelings here; that pressure is mounting. That pressure has come from watching political debate on church and state in the media, from private emails from strangers and friends concerning these issues, and from conversations, often heated, with my fellow Christians and Americans.
My commitment to Christ compels me to respond to that pressure and to speak out on issues that I think are of crucial importance: whether or not we vote, and how we vote, and how our vote reflects our deepest moral concerns.
I repeat: I am a Christian; I am a Democrat. I support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.
If I receive emails on this issue, I will do my best to answer them.
Anne Rice August 10, 2007
“I feel we can stop the horror of abortion.”
Yep, voting for Hillary will sure do that!
You may think yourself a Christian, but from here it looks like you’re delusional.
She’s drunk or crazy.
Rather FRAUD is more like it IMO.
Years and years ago, I tried to plow through one of her paperbacks that my s-i-l recommended I read. My favorable opinion of my s-i-l changed radically, and I wasn't able to get through Rice's dreadfully written, boring book. That was long before her supposed conversion.
MY GOD! That’s it, then, I’m changing my choice to Hillary because Anne Rice supports her!!! Why even bother having an election after this revelation!
“Again, I believe the Democratic Party is the party that is most likely to help Americans make a transition away from the abortion crisis that we face today. Its values and its programs -— on a whole variety of issues -— most clearly reflect my values. Hillary Clinton is the candidate whom I most admire.”
although a vampire that should be drinking blood......this dope most definitely has been drinking the kool aid!!!!
BORe O’Really will want that picture captured for sure as proof of what a hateful place FR is!
As I was reading, I could only think that Miss Rice was going back to her roots: glorifying vampires. Hillary Clinton has proven herself expert at sinking her teeth into others and riding them to power, even if the host himself must pass into the next world.
I said to myself, “By post three some FReeper has certainly mentioned this.”
I am ashamed at how I underestimated you FReepers. To think that I thought two posts would go by first.
I won't question her faith. Her sanity, yes. She is completely and utterly wrong.
I’ve met some kooks at my church who SWEAR hillary is not pro-abortion. rme
Annie here has gulped some hillary flavored koolaid. So much for her conversion.
Thew Lord loves sinners and the mentally ill.
Google Erotica by Anne Rice. Apparently she has successfully published in that genre under another name.
I have felt a certain pressure of late...
compels me to respond to that pressure ..
“The lunatics are in my head “
As fixed, her statement would have made sense to a lot of people in 1860.
It's all in who gets defined as persons among those living beings with the forty-six human chromosomes...
Wow, what a sadly confused hypocrite this Anne Rice is.
I was thinking the same thing and she is their kind of Christian you know she converted years ago there was a big article I think when the Harry Potter Books first came out!
I’ve never forgiven her for being at least partially responsible for my having to see Rosie O’Donnell in leather in Exit to Eden.
“Or, as my wife snarkily put it when I told her about this article, Anne Rices idea of Christian writing is probably writing Jesus/John the Baptist porn.”
That’s what I thought too!
Actually, she did recently pen a book on Jesus. It was a very good book, and there was not a hint of disrespect toward Jews, Christianity, or God. It contained lots of interesting historical information too.
The way she got started on it was out of curiosity. She wondered how the Jews have managed to survive as a race when people have been trying to destroy them since the dawn of history.
I was very pleasantly surprised, since I don’t really want to read any of her other junk. 700 Club did a story on her, and several religious organizations actually endorsed it. Knowing Rice’s literary past to be prolific with porn, I was intrigued. Could she have really written anything worthy of such endorsements? Again, it was an excellent read.
That being said, the endorsement for she-who-must-not-be-elected tells me she must have fallen off the wagon in an epic way. I may have to resume my literary boycott against Anne Rice. I was looking forward her next book about Jesus. I guess she’s slipped over to the dark side again!
This is just her doing a PR hedge to promote her new book about the “lost years” of young Jesus Christ.
she is just trying to sell books and still be a feminist.
this is the “because she has a vaginia” vote.
(alleged vaginia)
I have never heard of Ann Rice but she appears to be
insane or a heavy user of hallucinogenic drugs or
maybe both.
Savage said it best ,”Liberalism is a mental disorder”.
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