A firefighting airplane comes in low to scoop water from Seeley Lake just off shore from the town of Seeley Lake,Mont., as the Jocko Lakes fire burns nearby, Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2007. (AP Photo/Great Falls Tribune, Robin Loznak)
Rock Creek is where the Testicle Festival is held annually in September.
I live about five miles from the “Wicked Fire”. And it is. So smokey the last three days people are staying indoors. But we actually had some rain last night, thank God!
My family happened to visit Seely Lake last year, as pretty a place as GOD ever has created.
The envirowhackos are ecstatic now they have “protected” the insects (bark beetles) that destroyed thousands of acres of forest plus their efforts to prevent clearing of the forest debris. Why do I despise the weirdos? Go look at Montana’s forests.