Posted on 08/13/2007 1:24:44 PM PDT by pissant
To members of Free Republic and friends, I would like to introduce a candidate for President of the United States and the current congressman from the 52nd district of California, Duncan Hunter!! To Americans who value the patriotism and missions of our Armed Forces, to those who want to put fear into the hearts of our adversaries from Beijing to Tehran, to those who value the rule of law when it comes to illegal immigration, to those who realize that the unborn deserve full legal protection beginning at conception, to those who believe Peace through Strength is far more than a motto, to those who do not like giving communist China unfettered access to our markets while they cheat at every turn, to those who want to halt and reverse losses of US sovereignty to global entities, and to those who want the GOP to return to Reaganism, Mr. Hunter is the Best choice.
Congressman Hunter currently is the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee, after spending the previous 4 years as its chair. He is an original co-sponsor of the Fair Tax bill and he is the author of the Secure Borders bill, signed by President Bush in 2006, which mandates 800+ miles of double fence across the smuggling corridors of the SW. He also is the man who has led the fight against NAFTAs Mexican truckers having free reign on our roads, has forced congressional oversight of the executive branchs Security and Prosperity Partnership with Canada and Mexico, and was instrumental in saving our military intelligence officers from having to jump through bureaucratic hoops unrelated to combat.
A Vietnam combat Veteran himself, he currently has a son in the Marine Corps, Capt. Duncan Duane Hunter who is busy hunting jihadis in Afghanistan after two tours in Iraq. Congressman Hunter has been the anti-dote to the liberals in Congress doing their damndest to cut and run from the battlefield. Mr. Hunter knows that this war is our generations calling, and the only way we can leave is to WIN.
Below are 15 questions we compiled last month on Free Republic, which we sent to Congressman Hunter a few weeks ago. They are followed by his answers. This is the springboard we will use to kick off Mr. Hunters live virtual press conference on FR today.
Please stop by and say hello and you may post additional questions. HOWEVER, Please realize that time limitations will prevent him from answering all the questions you may have. Though he may get time later to forward answers to many left unaddressed during this session.
Please drop Jim Robinson a note of thanks as well. For not only hosting this event, but for having the best conservative website in the country!
Also, no disruptors allowed. Your posts will be removed.
The following is our Kickoff Q&A session:
Where can I get tickets?:)
We keep hearing rhetoric from the Democrats concerning troop funding while they omit the fact that they have cut vital research funding which is so important down the road. Does your campaign intend on bringing such facts to light?
Congressman Hunter,
I hear too many alarming reports suggesting that the limitations of our military Rules of Engagement often risk the safety of our troops, and obstruct their ability to effectively prosecute the war in Iraq. Do you agree with that premise, and, if so, what plans would a Hunter presidency have in place to address this issue?
“In every speech I state that as President, when reviewing judicial applicants, any candidate for the bench who can view a sonogram of an unborn child, and not see a valuable human life, will not receive my appointment. This has been my position throughout my career and will be strongly emphasized in my Presidency. I will continue to make that known and continue to solicit co-sponsors in my legislation that establishes legal recognition of the unborn at conception.”
On behalf of those who cannot say it, THANK YOU!
What do you feel is the strongest way to sell Conservative ideals to those who, their entire lives, have been given a false impression of the Right (which, unfortunately is about half the country)?
Hello from Michigan Congressman. Phil Hardy is on a family vacation, presently, or I would have brought him along to this presser.
My yard sign is up and I have a bag full of your literature. See you in Michigan. Thank you much for hanging in there. I’ll take the St. Louis straw poll results over the Iowa ones, any day
David Isaac PS: My son rotates back home shortly
As an American I am proud of what your son, and all our fighting men and women, are accomplishing over there. They must be fueled at least in part by stateside press.
Thank you for your support of the Fair Tax.
A colleague of mine says that you are in the race to be the Secretary of Defense in a GOP administration and that explained why you were more interested in chairing the Armed Services Committee than being Speaker. The speaker’s role would certainly have given you more name recognition. Is there a reason you did not seek the speaker’s job over Hastert when the GOP held the House?
Congressman Hunter,
Thanks for taking the time visit with us on Free Republic and thanks to pissant and Jim Rob for making this happen.
My second question for today:
What will your administration’s position be regarding the ongoing conflict in the Balkans? As you may know, it is a foothold for Islamic extremism in Europe and our policies there also affect our relations with Russia.
Mr. Robinson, I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank you for the opportunity to have a direct conversation with one of our Presidential candidates.
I would also like to thank Rep. Hunter for stopping by and would encourage the other candidates to do the same. We don’t bite— hard. ;-)
Thanks for being here Congressman. All I can say is come to Iowa any time you can! If Mike Huckabee can take second in the straw poll, I think you have some room to make some gains before the caucus. Would love to see you in the top 3.
Let me give a few examples of Hunter “earmarks”:
1) The double fence between Tijuana and San Diego that reduced smuggling of people and narcotics by more than 90%.
2) 10,000 jammers for troops in Iraq to protect against roadside bombs.
3) Filtration ponds on the most polluted river in North America (New River at the Mexican border) which have been credited with providing a 90% cleanup of the tainted water which is diverted through them.
My point is: Representatives of congressional districts are supposed to put together the budget of the United States. There is no Constitutional basis for the new thinking that the President’s budget is sacrosanct and that any changes by the very Representatives of the areas affected are somehow “illegitimate”. Spending or participating in the budget process is not, in and of itself, illegitimate, but is rather the very obligation of Congress. That said, wasteful projects should be eliminated, and their authors held politically accountable. You may notice that I post all my Congressional initiatives on the internet so that Americans can judge my record.
Congressman Hunter.
Welcome to the most powerful site and group on the web.
Glad to have you here.
I love it!
Duncan Hunter, what truly needs to be done to successfully get all conservatives at every political level to become the majority again throughout the U.S. starting in January ‘09, and how will Duncan Hunter successfully create some very decent “political coattails” for all of the other conservative candidates at every level also running in ‘08 and beyond? I truly don’t want long-term socialism to exist throughout the entire U.S. with the Democratic Party fully in control of everything important starting in January ‘09!
“By the way, were already planning Free Republics Duncan Hunter Inaugural Ball I in Washington, DC. We held inaugural balls for President Bush and Gov Huckabee and his band performed at both. Its said that they were the best inaugural Balls in town. Know you will be busy that night, but hope you get a chance to stop by and say howdy.”
Sounds terrific! I’ll work on losing a few pounds so I look my best that day. :)
You might have a hard time booking Huckabee right now - he seems to have his own plans for that evening at the moment. :^)
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